Kurt and Chuck, the Blog

Monday, October 4, 2010

But You Said 4 Songs...

A Kurt (and Chuck) Sampler by kurtandchuck

Well... I know.  I pulled one at the last minute because I'm not happy with the vocals and I'm not going to have a chance to re-track them for at least a few days.  But it didn't seem like a reason to hold off on the other 3, so it will go into the mix when it gets done.

I decided to go with SoundCloud for the sampler because it gives me a little more flexibility than the nimbit store for things that I'm not actually planning on selling.  This way I can shuffle around the track order, swap songs in and out, etc, which I actually plan to do with this Sampler.  It will be a dynamic list of whatever I feel like giving away at that time.

But for now, 3 songs for free download, including No Reason--the album opener from Everything To Lose.  And keep an eye on the blog for another track on the way in the next week or so.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sampler Postponed

So, I was shooting for a release date of October 1st for the free sampler and I don't think I'm going to hit it. Work and other projects are just going to take up too much of my time before Friday.  I'm on pace, but I just don't have an evening free to finish mixes, so there you have it.  Life gets in the way.

I'll finish it over the weekend and post on or before Monday.  You know, unless something explodes.

Thanks for understanding,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Project In The Works...


Okay, it's not a full-blown project, it's more of a mini-project.  As conceived, it will be a free sampler containing 1 song from the Everything To Lose EP, 1 song from the next EP I'm going to start working on (after I do some more updates to the website), and 2 songs that I recorded during the Everything To Lose sessions that I decided to hold onto for future as-yet-undetermined Kurt and Chuck releases.  I have a target release date of October 1st for this.

The good news is that I only have to record one new song, and I'm almost done with that.  I can already hear performance things that need fixed in the rough mix-down I'm listening to right now, but I'm very happy with the arrangement and feel (and vocals).  Stay tuned, there will be more details soon.

So, yay free stuff!  On October 1st.  (Probably.)


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Everything To Lose Launch

Everything To Lose, the debut E.P. from Kurt and Chuck, is now available from Kurt and Chuck dot Com.  Downloads are DRM-free 256k mp3's.  You can also preview any song(s) in its/their entirety.  The six-song mp3 album is $5, individual tracks are $.99.

But don't think that just because I've finished one project doesn't mean I'm going to rest on my laurels.  There's plenty more coming soon:

  • Lyrics
  • Tabs
  • Behind-the-song stories
  • Website improvements
  • Remixes and reduxes
  • Much, much more...
Stay tuned, but for now, the wait is (finally (freaking)) over.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Everything To Lose:
  1. No Reason
  2. Spellbound
  3. Midas' Lament
  4. Suicide King
  5. Grace
  6. Nothing To Gain
Progress Report:

Updated ID3 tags on downloads to include album art.  Uploaded samples to store so now all songs will have a full-song stream-able preview with a lower bit-rate (to make streaming a little easier on users with less-than-stellar internet connections).


Monday, August 30, 2010

Still, You Can't Deny...

Everything To Lose:
  1. No Reason
  2. ??
  3. Midas' Lament
  4. Grace
  5. Suicide King
  6. Nothing To Gain
Progress Report:

This song floated around for a while under the name Choke.  It has since been re-lyriced, which removed the only tangible reference to the novel by Chuck Palahniuk which inspired the song.

Incidentally, I've given the songs a final check and decided I'm happy with them.  Everything is on pace for Wednesday.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Must I Destroy The Things I Love?

Everything To Lose:
  1. No Reason
  2. ??
  3. Midas' Lament
  4. Grace
  5. Suicide King
  6. ??
Progress Report:

Out for the weekend.  Nothing to report.  Previous versions of this song have floated around with the monicker Poor King Midas, but the name was changed, because it sounded like "porking Midas"... which is dirty.

True story.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Haven't Got A Card To Play

Everything To Lose:
  1. No Reason
  2. ??
  3. ??
  4. Grace
  5. Suicide King
  6. ??
Progress Report:

Made a few tweaks to the website, and now that I've had a break from the music, I'll give the mixes another last listen or two over the weekend to make sure they're ready (enough).

And if you hadn't guessed by now, post titles are taken from song lyrics.  This should get interesting when I post track 2.


Friday, August 27, 2010

You're Not So Amazing

Everything To Lose:
  1. No Reason
  2. ??
  3. ??
  4. ??
  5. Grace
  6. ??
Progress Report:

I've done a little website tweaking, but apart from that, there's not much to report.  I took a break from mix evaluation to play Worms Reloaded, but since I couldn't get that game to load (pause for irony... end pause), I spent the evening watching Daria instead.

Still on track for Wednesday release, though.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Still Want You Back

Everything To Lose
  1. No Reason
  2. ??
  3. ??
  4. ??
  5. ??
  6. ??
Progress Report:

I'm about 98% sure that the mixes are finished.  I've also verified that the store works and bought my own music from myself.  Yay, capitalism.  Yes, the storefront exists, it's just not attached to the website yet--and if you find it you can listen to the mixdown of No Reason and see the other song titles.  You could also technically make purchases, but I would encourage you not to, since I'm probably going to upload files with updated ID3 tags between now and the release date.  And if I absolutely decide that the bass is too loud in [redacted], then what you get today might be subtly different from what you would get on the 1st.

Also, I'll know who you are.

While the hard part is over with (the hard part here referring to the writing, recording, performing, and engineering of songs), I still have a hefty amount of work I want to do in the next week.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

There Was Nothing To Gain...

Project Lazarus is wrapped, so it's time to release some preliminary details.

The album/project/E.P. will consist of 6 songs, have a running time of about 26:30.  For the time being, it will only be available as a digital download, but I hope to have a physical disc available eventually.

And the title:

Everything To Lose

Stay tuned for more,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Project Lazarus Target Release Date

September 1, 2010

Maybe I should have built it up more...  I'm wrapping up this project, finalizing mixes and song orders (and titles) and a week or so should be enough time to get everything done and uploaded.

Additionally, I should be able to take the website from its current state of butt-ugly to something more homely-but-functional.  Although the music is going to take priority, so you may just have to deal with a butt-ugly website for the foreseeable future.  I've got books to read, a day job, and an EP to engineer.

I don't want to make promises I can't keep, but September 1, 2010 is a reasonable goal for getting everything out the door.  Between now and then, expect semi-regular updates with information about what to expect from the soon-to-be-unveiled Project Lazarus.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Announcement: Project Lazarus

First project (code named "Project Lazarus") is nearing completion.  So my next priority is getting the web site cleaned up.

Exciting times.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello, World

Coming Soon: Kurt and Chuck dot Com
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